Diane Rooney beats 1:55080 odds, wins over $1800 in our lottery!

We all witnessed an amazing moment in luck. Every week, BNI 12 has a door prize, Diane's name was drawn from referrals passed that day, and won a Regis package of over $500. Odds of winning was 1:51. 

Then there is also a SEPARATE weekly raffle lottery, but to get a chance to win, one must first get their name picked from a bowl and then pull the Queens of Hearts out of deck of cards. Diane won a chance to pull the Queens of Hearts. Odds this week was 1:60.

To pull the winning card out of the deck, odds are 1:52. But each week when there is no winner, the card is ripped up, lowering the odds. With no winners over the last 34 weeks, there were 18 cards left. The pot had accumulated to $1800.  Diane pulled the Queens of Hearts! Odds are winning 1:18.

Odds winning all three 1:55080 winning $1800 cash and Regis Door prize of $500 worth 0f services. It was amazing to watch. Congratulations to Diane Rooney!