Jac Zagoory


Company: JZswag
Profession: Promotional Products & Corporate Gifts
Power Team: Business Services
Phone: 212-777-6003
Business Address: 32 Union Square East, Suite 608, NY, NY 10003
Email: JZ@JZswag.com
Website: www.JacZagoory.com

Products and/or services offered:

JZswag and Jac Zagoory Designs are dedicated to designing or sourcing unique items for virtual and in-person events; customer/employee appreciation gifts; trade show and company giveaways, and product launches. Clients include corporate onboarding teams, destination management companies, start-ups, schools, service professionals, and realtors. We also specialize in executive corporate gifts.

Our business is to help you promote yours with tangible branded goods!

JZswag: curated and creative swag.

Ideal Referrals:

Event planners, marketing teams, and onboarding teams

Professional Bio:

Trained Jewelry and Product Designer. Production, Project Manager, Marketing Specialists.

Jac enjoys riding his bicycle and motorcycle, and practicing yoga. He is the author of two books, one about vintage wrist watches and the other about vintage fountain pens.